The Chakras of Matter
The first three physical chakras which are below the heart, are known as the lower three chakras and interact with the material world.
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The so-called lower chakras are not low in terms of their importance. They are the foundation upon which higher states are built. The lower chakras are responsible for our day-to-day life experiences. We cannot negate the fundamental importance of human issues such as survival, security, feelings, sexuality, procreation, social relationships, power, and status connected with the three lower chakras. We are attending to them because they are an essential aspect of our existence. At the physical level, they connect to the feet, legs, hips, lower back, middle back, and core.
The Lower Chakras consist of the Root Chakra (mooladhara); the Sacral Chakra (swadhisthana); and the Solar Plexus Chakra (manipura). These three chakras are the ones responsible to keep us grounded, and connected to earthly matters so that we can build and enjoy our lives on a strong foundation.
The three lower chakras are often described as being related to our functioning as human beings and support our instinctual life. They are concerned with the physical and emotional support of the self and its growth.
Below is a guide to the three lower chakras, and how you can balance them to empower your life.
First chakra (root) is the storehouse of our physical strength, energy, stability, financial and personal security, as well as our basic needs. It connects your body to the earth and encompasses our legs and feet, first three vertebrae, male reproductive organs, the bladder, and the colon.
Emotionally, the Root Chakra deals with the sense of self-preservation, and other issues that involve feeling secure, such as work, home, money and family.
This chakra manages your fight or flight instinct, as well as your ability to recognize danger.
The relationship issues related to this chakra are home, job, money, parents.
When this chakra is balanced, we feel safe, strong, and fearless. Further, signs of a healthy root chakra include; feeling satisfied with life and your well-being, feeling safe that your basic needs are being met, physical health, and feeling of being grounded. However, if your root chakra is imbalanced, you may feel anxious and unsettled, reckless, disconnected from your physical self, and resistant to change. Physical issues could include spinal and back pain, leg issues, and colon issues.
You can balance your root chakra by regular exercise and movement, including grounding practices such as walking barefoot, running, jogging, dancing, gardening, cleaning your home, cooking, dealing with technology and finances. Yoga and meditation connect with your body and the earth. As much as possible engage in self-reliance in your day to day life. If you’re looking for stability and grounding in life, a strong root chakra is key.
The spiritual practice to purify this chakra is “ahimsa” which means non-violence to all living beings (non-violence of thought, word, action and intent).
Second chakra (sacral) is our source of creativity, passion, sensuality, and emotional connection with others. It is located above the pubic bone, below the navel around your lower belly and back. It’s the center of our feelings and is active in sexuality. It is responsible for our ability to flow gracefully through changes, and trust in our lives’ process.
The sacral chakra is key in how we enjoy life through our senses, therefore, this chakra allows you to feel the world around you.
Associated with water, the second chakra is defined by the flow of emotions running through our bodies. When this chakra is strong and balanced, your relationship with others and yourself is nurturing, and pleasant.
The relationship related to this chakra are the unresolved issues with romantic partners and business partners.
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If you have an imbalance in this chakra, you may notice issues with dependency on others or substances, your emotions may take over your actions, and as such, you may tend to overindulge – or even the opposite, you may feel out of touch with your emotions and a lack of desire.
Meditation practices and yoga poses balance the second chakra, especially those which include hip openers, in a slow and relaxing mode such as GENTLE VeroYoga, rather than challenging flows.
As this chakra is associated with water, any connection with water is very important to help balance it. A relaxing bath or going swimming can help with the flow of emotions, and balance your energy.
The spiritual practice to purify this chakra is “santosha” which means cultivating contentment and gratitude.
Third chakra (solar plexus) is where we anchor our personal power, ego, willpower, self belief, self worth, determination, and the ability to manifest our dreams into the tangible world. It’s location is at the solar plexus – the area from the navel to the breastbone.
This chakra is activated when you have the courage to step forward towards your goals and dreams, especially when that scares you.
The relationship issues related to this chakra are with those we have hurt.
When this chakra is blocked, you can see yourself as a victim, or be pessimistic, with low aspirations, and unable to see yourself as a leader. This lack of self-confidence and self-worth can lead to a frustrating and dull life. This can lead to manipulative and selfish behavior, as well as physical and mental issues.
You can heal the power chakra by taking small steps towards your goals. Try a ‘fake it till you make it’ approach, standing taller and speaking up to overcome fear. This behavior and attitude will influence your chakra. Other ways to open the chakra are to seek out new and exciting experiences, practice yoga, drink herbal teas, and most importantly, stepping out of your comfort zone. Be aware to find the balance between being a pushover and being domineering, this is the key to lead a healthy powerful life.
The spiritual practice to purify this chakra is “tapas” which means cultivating self-discipline.
The lower three chakras together create a visible, tangible shift in our physical, emotional, and material aspects of our lives. It is now the time to manifest in our material world all the transformation we have longed for!
NOTE: Deepen your journey, by working one of each of the lower chakras at a time, for at least a week, and then combine them in this sequence. To access the library of VeroYoga On Demand, choose your preferred level, and click on the following links:
My wish is that you get the life, love, success, and joy that you deserve.
Go out and tell the world who you are, then tell me how it went ;-)!
Much Love to you my friend,